Junior Football Team
Player skill development & introductory to team concepts become a priority in these grades. A level of fitness is required & team trainings will incorporate a portion of time to fitness & conditioning.
09 & 10 grade football is 7 a side football played on a junior sized pitch with a size 4 football. These grades enter into the Auckland Football Federation club competition.
11 & 12 grade football is 9 a side football played on a larger junior sized pitch with a size 4 football. These grades enter into the Auckland Football Federation club competition.
"Kids Aged 4-17 yrs, Kickstart Your Passion for Soccer today!– Join the Fun at SAR "

Senior Football Team
Our recommended number of registered players per team is 20 however on match dat the most a team can field is 16.
Players registered are not permitted to represent the Club until full payment is received.
Un-financial Players, or those players with outstanding fines from previous seasons, will not be eligible for team selection.